Full Plate 11
Earthenware Products
178.00 178.00

Simple plain 11 inch plate for a wholesome meal in your earthernware

Every Earthenware is Handmade and its unique. The colour and shine may vary slightly based on the clay procured by the artisans during the making process.

Instructions to Use :

Soak the Eartherware overnight, preferably 24 hrs and our artisans suggestions would be dry it off completely for at least 10 hrs before using it.

100 % Handmade, Sustainable, food grade, Vocal for Local, Creating Employment.

Simple plain 11 inch plate for a wholesome meal in your earthernware

Every Earthenware is Handmade and its unique. The colour and shine may vary slightly based on the clay procured by the artisans during the making process.

Instructions to Use :

Soak the Eartherware overnight, preferably 24 hrs and our artisans suggestions would be dry it off completely for at least 10 hrs before using it.

100 % Handmade, Sustainable, food grade, Vocal for Local, Creating Employment.


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Full Plate 11

178.00 178.00